I attended the 10-1 module 3 campus session... alone!!! So for those of you who didn’t make it, here are some of the things I learnt.
During my planning for the critical review a section that I’ve struggled to fully understand is the Analysis bit. So I was extremely happy when lots of the slides Paula wrote about are further explanations of analysis and the components to analysing.
Tip 1: View the slide share on Paula’s blog for campus session 3. Paula: Campus session 3 Slideshare
Tip 2: There is a difference between literature and documents. Documents may come in the form of websites, leaflets, blogs etc.
Tip 3: Interpret the evidence rather than give your opinion.
Tip 4: When reading back through your draft constantly ask ‘What do you mean?’ This will help to stop you from being vague.
Tip 5: Don’t be put off with lack of response with your data collection, these are findings, ask why it happened and what you would have done differently.
BIG REQUEST: Had an idea that could make our lives quite a bit easier. I believe it would be really helpful to us all if we add a text box at the top of our blogs containing a brief summary of our inquiry topic. When reading through others blogs I’ve found that I don’t always feel I can comment as I don’t know enough of there inquiry outline and don’t have enough time to read back through all their other blogs to find the original topic. A couple lines description would be really helpful!
Hope everyone’s getting on okay. We’re in the last few weeks so time to power on through!
Thanks for writing up about the campus session. It's great when those that go send out ideas via the blogs about the experience.