Wednesday 21 March 2012


Well have spent days trying to get my head round it all, and think I might finally be there! Have created a SIG on Linkedin called: BAPP(Arts): How to Survive the performance industry.

Please join!
I'm still dong research into my other suggested topics, but this is the one I got the most excited about and think that will most benefit me!
Linkedin is very new to me, and at the moment is all trial and error, but please comment, will be great to hear from you!
Have posted an article that is well worth a read :)

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah

    I've joined up darlin.

    Let me know when you have done your survey (it's so much easier to make than i thought) or if you just want to chat over your ideas some more.

    My pilot survey is now on my Blog 'Pilot survey' let me know your thoughts darlin, if any bits are not clear.

    Hope your continued work is going well, call me any time.

    Stay safe - Phil
